Yuri×Ingrid Support Conversations
イングリット: ん~っ! この宿場の串焼きは最高ですね!ですが向こうの宿場も、なかなか……
Ingrid: Mmm! Yes, it's decided. This meat is the best meat! Although, the other inn has pretty great offerings, as well...
ユーリス: お、イングリットじゃねえか。どうしたんだ、こんなところで。
Yuri: Ah, if it isn't Ingrid. What are you up to in a place like this?
イングリット: ………………!
Ingrid: ...
Yuri! I could ask you the same...
ユーリス: ああ、家族に金を届けてきた帰りだよ。大した額じゃあねえけどな。
Yuri: I'm just out to send a little money to my family. Gotta help however I can, you know?
イングリット: 仕送りですか! それは素晴らしいです。私もあなたを見習わなくてはなりませんね。
Ingrid: Aww... That's very nice of you. Forgive my tone earlier. You truly set a noble example.
ユーリス: それはさておき、お前、さっき慌てて何か呑み込んでたみたいだが……
Yuri: Right, right. Anyhow, looked like I interrupted you. You nearly choked on that wad of meat you were gnawing on.
イングリット: そ、そうだ、ユーリス! 実は、ええと……一つ気になっていたことがあるのです。
Ingrid: Uh, right. That...that is true, I suppose. Hmm... You know... I... Um...
ユーリス: 何でそんなに慌ててるんだよ……。
Yuri: What is it you're mumbling about?
イングリット: いいえ、何でも。それよりあなた、以前ローベ家で働いていたことはありませんか?
Ingrid: Anyway, you once worked for House Rowe, didn't you?
Four years ago, when I visited Count Rowe at his castle, I swore saw you by his side...
ユーリス: そんな昔の話をよく覚えてるなあ、お前。
Yuri: Quite the sharp memory you have.
You aren't mistaken. I was staying there then, yes. I had been adopted by the count.
イングリット: ローベ伯の養子、ですか……?そういえば、噂を耳にしたことがあります。
Ingrid: Oh? Come to think of it, I thought I'd heard something like that.
That the count had adopted a distant relative of his, a young man whose future was both bright and promising. So...that was you?
ユーリス: と言ってもまあ、縁はもう切れてるけどな。今となっちゃ、俺とあの人はただの他人さ。
Yuri: Yep. Although now I'm nothing ore than a distant stranger to him. Our ties were severed a while ago.
He helped me out by getting me into the academy. It wasn't long after that that we started having all sorts of...disagreements.
What the hell were you doing visiting House Rowe, anyhow?
イングリット: それは、その。何と言うべきか……そう、友人の尻拭いをしに、ですね……。
Ingrid: Ah, yes...that. How to put it. It was to help...clean up after a friend.
ユーリス: なるほど、シルヴァンの話か。察した。いやあ……苦労してるんだなあ、お前も。
Yuri: Ah, you speak of Sylvain. Mm-hmm, that must've been quite the mess you were cleaning up.
ユーリス: なるほど、事情はよくわからんが、お前もいろいろ苦労してきたんだなあ。
Yuri: Well, whatever the circumstances, sounds like you had quite the mess to clean up.
ユーリス: ……ところでさっき聞きそびれたが、お前、ここの常連なのか?
Yuri: Back to the point—what are you doing out here? Do you frequent this area often?
イングリット: べ、別に、どうでもいいでしょう? 私も、たまには外で食事をしたくなる時が……
Ingrid: Mind your business, won't you? I just like to go for walks—get fresh air. That sort of thing.
ユーリス: ああいや、別に文句をつけたいわけじゃなくてだな。
Yuri: Easy now. I'm not interrogating you.
Really, I just wanted to warn you that it isn't so safe here in the evenings. You'll want to be on your guard.
イングリット: それは……お気遣いありがとうございます。ですがいざとなれば自力で返り討ちに……
Ingrid: I thank you for your concern, but I assure you I can handle myself.
ユーリス: ああそれと、さっきここの宿場の主人が、お前にいつもありがとうって言ってたぜ。
Yuri: Noted. Oh yeah, the innkeeper also wanted me to thank you.
イングリット: !?
Ingrid: Hm?
ユーリス: お前はいつも美味そうな顔で飯を食うから作ってるこっちが嬉しくなる、ってよ。
Yuri: He wanted to thank you for being such an enthusiast for the food he sells. Seemed pretty happy about it.
イングリット: ………………。そ……そうでしたか……。
Ingrid: Is that so? How very... Hm.
Well, I'd better be off!
ユーリス: もしかして、食い意地張ってるの、悟られたくなかったのかなあ……。
Yuri: Seems she doesn't want anyone seeing her with a face full of food.
Too late.
イングリット: いったいどうしたのです、ユーリス。訓練が終わったら食堂に来い、だなんて。
Ingrid: So, what is it, Yuri? You had me come all this way.
ユーリス: ああ、ちょっとお前に用があってさ。適当に座って、もう少しそのまま待ってろ。
Yuri: I need you for something. Have a seat. I won't take much of your time.
イングリット: は、はあ……。
Ingrid: Okaaay...
ユーリス: ほい、待たせたな。
Yuri: My apologies for keeping you waiting. Here you are!
イングリット: ……! これは……!!あなたが作ったのですか?
Ingrid: Oh, wow! Did you...make this yourself?
ユーリス: おう、これでも料理には自信があってね。高級なもんじゃないが、美味そうだろう?
Yuri: I may not seem like much of a chef, but I know a thing or two about cooking. Look tasty, hm?
イングリット: その……ユーリス……これ、頂いても?私、訓練の後でお腹が減っていて……。
Ingrid: Can I, uh...eat it now? I'm famished after all the training.
ユーリス: ああ、もちろん。何しろ、そのために呼んだんだからなあ。
Yuri: Have at! That's why I asked you here.
イングリット: ありがとうございます……!では、遠慮なく! いただきます!
Ingrid: I see! Well, thank you! Don't mind if I do!
Mmm, this dish is divine! The first bite just melts in your mouth, and these vegetables are perfect!
The flavors are interwoven together like...like a dance of swords between two Myrmidons!
Myrmidon ミュルミュドン…ギリシア神話の名将アキレウスの下で闘っていた隊のこと
ユーリス: いや落ち着け落ち着け……感想なんて要らねえから、ゆっくり味わって食えよ。
Yuri: Heh heh! Calm yourself, Ingrid. I'm in no need of a critique. I just want you to enjoy it and take a load off.
イングリット: はい! ではありがたく!
Ingrid: Aww, thank you! I will!
イングリット: ふう……ご馳走様でした、ユーリス。私、今、とても幸せです……。
Ingrid: Whew! That was delicious, Yuri. I cannot thank you enough.
ユーリス: はははっ、そりゃあ良かった。気合を入れて作った甲斐があったな。
Yuri: I'm glad. Then it was well worth all the toil that went into preparing it.
イングリット: あら? ユーリス、あなた……もしかして何も食べていなかったのですか?
Ingrid: You...haven't eaten anything for yourself?
ユーリス: まあ、後で軽く食おうと思ってたから……自分で食べるために作った料理でもねえし。
Yuri: I figured I'd eat something a bit later. I didn't make the meal for me.
イングリット: ……では、私のためだけにこの料理を?
Ingrid: You cooked only for me?
ユーリス: そうだよ。件の宿場の主人がさ、お前に食わせてやれって肉を寄越してさ。
Yuri: Mm-hm. The innkeeper provided me with some of his finest meat and told me to feed you.
I figured if I was going to do it, I'd better do it right. So, I popped into the kitchen and got working.
イングリット: ……いけません、ユーリス。食事とは皆で卓を囲み、分け合ってこそのもの。
Ingrid: That won't do at all, Yuri. Meals are meant to be shared.
It seems my stomach got the better of me this time, though, and I scarfed everything before remembering that.
ユーリス: いいって、何でそんなこと気にするんだよ。お前が貰った肉じゃねえか。
Yuri: Why bother yourself with such trivialities? The meal was a gift.
Seeing you enjoy yourself like that is all the reward I need.
イングリット: 良いもの、ですか?
Ingrid: What way is that...
ユーリス: 前に、街で串焼きを頬張ってるお前の顔を見た時から思ってたんだが……
Yuri: A bit like when you had all that meat stuffed into your cheeks at the marketplace...like some kind of chipmunk. Hm-mm!
I like seeing the contentment on your face when you cut loose.
イングリット: ……はい?
Ingrid: You do?
ユーリス: 宿場の主人の言ってることがわかったよ。お前は本当に良い顔で飯を食ってくれる。
Yuri: The innkeeper couldn't have said it better. ''She's got a real foodie face, that one!''
イングリット: それは……ほ、褒められているのか貶されているのかもわからないのですが。
Ingrid: I'm not quite sure how to feel...
ユーリス: いや、褒めてるんだよ。本気だぜ?俺は、そういう女が一番好みだね。
Yuri: Heh, really though! There are few things I enjoy as much as seeing a woman indulging herself.
イングリット: ………………。
Ingrid: ...
You should consider your words before using them. Such a flirtatious comment can only invite misunderstandings.
ユーリス: うーん、本気で言ってるんだが……。何でこう、上手く伝わらねえんだろうなあ。
Yuri: I didn't mean it that way!
イングリット: ふふっ、来ましたね、ユーリス。待ちくたびれましたよ。さあ、座りなさい。
Ingrid: Finally, you've arrived! I was beginning to get impatient. Have a seat.
ユーリス: ええと……いったい何が始まるんだ?
Yuri: What are you on about?
イングリット: 共に食卓を囲んですることは一つです。一緒に夕餉を楽しみましょう、ユーリス。
Ingrid: I'm not on about anything. Let's have dinner together, Yuri.
ユーリス: ……これは? お前が作ったのか?
Yuri: ...What is this? Did you make it?
イングリット: はい。手の込んだものではありませんが、私とて、料理の心得くらいありますからね。
Ingrid: I did. It's a simple dish—my culinary skills are fairly basic.
ユーリス: おいおい、どういう風の吹き回しだよ。
Yuri: Hold on. What exactly is this about?
イングリット: 受けた恩は返さねばなりません。ですから、厨房を借りて作ってきました。
Ingrid: You cook for me, I cook for you. That's how this works.
It may not be quite as elegant a meal as that of Adrestian or Leicester cuisine...
But the food of Faerghus is delicious nonetheless.
ユーリス: ……ご馳走さん。美味かったよ、イングリット。
Yuri: Thank you for the meal. It was lovely, Ingrid.
The flavors were... nostalgic. Reminded me of when I lived with my mother and the elder.
I was actually born in a poor town in Faerghus. The flavors in this dish remind me of those days.
Eh, sorry. I didn't mean to compare a meal made by nobility with the meager food I grew up eating.
イングリット: いえ……さして、変わらないと思います。実家は貴族といっても貧しかったですし……
Ingrid: No offense taken. To tell the truth, although my house is a noble one, it's also lacking in money.
Our territory was struck by famine, and we ate whatever the land gave us... which wasn't much. We took what we could, just like everyone.
ユーリス: ……まあ、その慰めってわけじゃあないが、俺は、お前の作るような料理が好みだね。
Yuri: I see... Well, I must say that your cooking is quite to my taste.
Any meal made with so much thought and care is bound to be delicious.
イングリット: ふふ、ありがとうございます。料理の上手な人に褒めてもらえるのは、嬉しいですね。
Ingrid: Heh heh! Why, thank you! High praise, indeed, from someone who knows their way around a kitchen.
ユーリス: 俺はただ、飯炊きだろうが何だろうが、やらなきゃ生きられなかったってだけさ。
Yuri: To survive in this world means to sharpen many skills. Whether it's cooking or anything else, really.
Although, I've got to say, I do enjoy cooking. And if my meals can bring a smile to someone's face, all the better.
Celebrating victories with friends, sitting around a table with loved ones, watching someone enjoy the meal I made them...
Few things bring me more joy.
イングリット: ……ふふっ。あなた、ならず者の頭目などやめて、料理人にでもなったらどうです?
Ingrid: Have you ever considered giving up being the lord of the underworld and becoming a chef instead?
ユーリス: ははっ、なるほど、料理人ね。そういう将来も、なかなか悪かねえな。
Yuri: Heh... A chef, huh? You know, that doesn't sound half bad.
イングリット: そうなったら私、毎日でも通い詰めますよ。あなたの作る料理を食べるために。
Ingrid: If you ever do, I'd come to your restaurant and eat whatever you'd whipped up every day!
ユーリス: そりゃいい。お前の喜ぶ顔が見られるなら、作り甲斐もあるってもんだ。
Yuri: I'd like that very much. I'd work extra hard so I could see that lovely smile of yours.
イングリット: ……ふふ、敵いませんね、あなたには。気づくといつも私ばかり翻弄されている。
Ingrid: You are just too much! I can hardly maintain my composure around you...
ユーリス: ああ?翻弄って、何がだよ?
Yuri: Did I say something wrong?
イングリット: いいえ、何でも。
Ingrid: Not at all, Yuri. Not at all.
Yuri disappeared into the underworld of the western Kingdom and faded away into obscurity.
The only account of him after that comes from a Kingdom knight's journal, uncovered many decades later, which tells of Yuri's efforts to win the king's support for an orphanage and medical clinic to be built in the slums of the castle town.
It is believed that the journal belonged to Ingrid, who had declined to rule House Galatea in order to serve House Blaiddyd as a knight.
According to local rumor, Ingrid eventually retired from knighthood to become the owner of an inn. There, it is said that she and the man she wrote about cooked dishes loved by rich and poor alike.
When Galatea territory was seized, Ingrid argued strongly for the preservation of its borders. Her request was granted, and she was appointed to rule.
Though, since she had previously abandoned her noble house, she was not well accepted by the people. Despite this, she found that the commonfolk carried out her policies with unexpected enthusiasm and efficiency.
She soon discovered that it was Yuri who had convinced them of her wisdom. The two were reunited and eventually married, and under their stewardship, Galatea territory flourished.
It is said that, after a busy day of governance, Ingrid yearned for nothing more than a home-cooked meal prepared by her husband.